
PROJECT SYSK : set of libraries and programs for kalekale by kalekale

what is it?
sysk is a layer on top of the Linux operating system. almost like GNU, but nowhere near it.


why am I working on this?
A fun side project to keep myself busy when I have nothing else to do, I might ghost this project for months or maybe push 100 commits a day.
When will I finish this?
Only god knows when. But I will be working on it at least once a week, more if I can.
I would estimate by 2025 I will finish this project.
Am I open to contributions?
If you want to help me build this project, sure I welcome you but for the most part this is my toy and I will direct it how I want.
Can I use your code?
Good Luck, its under AGPL3, ask me anything about using my AGPL'ed libraries.

In the future I might conisder:
  • a minimal init system for linux
  • a linux distro with syskpkg
  • port to other unix-like and unix kernels
  • fork a linux compatible kernel and develop the syskOS
  • but very unlikely since the future is uncertain for me.